Many thanks for your consideration of support for Theta Tau’s new home!
Established in 1945, our philanthropic partner in this project, the Phi Gamma Delta Educational Foundation, is a 501(c)3 public charity (tax ID: 52-6036185) whose mission is to support the educational and charitable purposes of Phi Gamma Delta, its undergraduate brothers and its chapters. The Foundation is assisting us in this project by accepting pledges and gifts of $10,000 or more to the “Theta Tau Housing Fund”, which will be used to provide support for our new home. Their participation means that your gift will be tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.
Why are only gifts of $10,000 or more eligible to be directed to the Phi Gamma Delta Educational Foundation? We are participating in the Foundation’s Chapter House Educational Fund (CHEF) Program, which provides grants to House Corporations for the construction or renovation of qualifying educational space in a chapter house, its furnishings, equipment and the annual maintenance. Consequently, the amount we are able to have directed to the Foundation depends on the percentage of our project that is, as the program description indicates, “qualifying educational space.” Though final numbers must be reviewed and approved by legal counsel, in our case we believe that the Foundation will be able to accept approximately $250,000. Consequently, in an effort to encourage leadership giving, the campaign policy will be that gifts of $10,000 or more may be directed to the Foundation until such time as the maximum amount ultimately determined by legal counsel has been reached. Once that amount has been reached, all gifts will be directed to Tech Fiji’s Inc.
You’ll find below directions on making a pledge or gift of $10,000 or more to the Educational Foundation, but please do not hesitate to contact a member of the Campaign Steering Committee if you have any questions. They will be happy to help.
Note: to help keep our expenses to a minimum, when possible, gifts by check or Electronic Funds Transfer are the preferred method of payment.
To help you support this important project in a way that may be more meaningful than can be accomplished in a single year, gifts may be paid over a period of up to 3 years. Use this form to make your pledge to the Educational Foundation.
Phi Gamma Delta Educational Foundation, Inc.
Attn: Tennessee Tech CHEF
PO Box 4599
Lexington, KY 40544-4599
If you would like to make a one-time or recurring gift by transfer of funds from a bank account, please visit this secure website. To ensure that your gift is properly allocated to the Theta Tau Housing Fund:
If you would like to make a pledge or one-time gift to Tech Fiji’s Inc online by credit card, please visit this secure page on the Educational Foundation’s website. To ensure that your pledge or gift is appropriately credited to Theta Tau’s campaign:
If you select “Recurring Donation” to create a multi-year pledge, the credit card you authorize will automatically be charged on the schedule you select.
This typically involves publicly traded shares, such as those traded on the major exchanges and over the counter, as well as most mutual funds. Supporting Theta Tau’s project with a gift of securities can provide significant tax benefits for the donor – bypassing capital gains taxes and providing a valuable income tax deduction – both of which effectively reduce the cost of making a gift. To coordinate any gift of securities, please contact Ben Robinson, Executive Director of the Phi Gamma Delta Foundation, at 859-255-1848, or by email at
Gifts From Your IRA
Individuals aged 70½ or older can make gifts up to $100,000 per year using funds transferred directly to the Phi Gamma Delta Educational Foundation from their IRA without paying taxes on the distributions. The transfer generates neither taxable income nor a tax deduction, so you will benefit even if you do not itemize your tax deductions. In addition, your IRA gift can count toward your minimum required distribution in the year the gift is made, as long as you have not received your distribution for the same year.
Though the campaign is focused on current, cash gifts, estate gifts will be accepted and included in our campaign totals. Estate gifts may not, however, be used to name a portion of the Chapter house until the gift is actually received from the donor’s estate.
For additional details on making gifts to the Phi Gamma Delta Educational Foundation, please contact a member of the Campaign Steering Committee.